Organize trainings and activities to increase the level of knowledge and awareness in order to strengthen the society and support the raising of healthy generations.
To support education and employment,
To increase the schooling rate by meeting the educational expenses of children and young people
To provide a profession, employment opportunities and to increase their life skills.
To protect the scientific, cultural, historical assets and values of our country, especially Anatolia
Tto ensure that these values are maintained at the national/international level
To carry out and support promotional activities.
Carrying out awareness raising activities on the development of ecology, environment and protection of the world.
Donation Account
Turkish Lira
Sağlıklı Toplum Hayatı Derneği
TR 15 0006 4000 0012 1200 9827 83
Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; don't give your heart to anything, but the love of those whose hearts are glad.
HZ. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

Sağlıklı Toplum Hayatı Derneği açık iletişimi, şeffaflığı ve hesap verebilirliği teşvik etmek amacıyla kurulan açık açık platformu üyesidir.